JANE KARIMI is a 45-year-old widow and HIV+. She has one child and two orphans under her care. Bon Mambo Mugambi is 10-years-old and in 7th grade, Vivian Kajuju is 9-years old and in 2nd grade, Eva Makena is 6-years old and in nursery school. Jane works at casual jobs for survival. These jobs are not stable nor long-term. Food is scarce in their household and they depend predominantly on well-wishers. Her children are not able to receive constant, quality education as there are many fees she must pay in order for them to continue attending, as well as provide them with school uniforms and books. Jane is also suffering from many complications associated with HIV/AIDS. Highest priority is to stabilize their income to provide steady education for children.
GLORY NKIROTE was born in 1998. Her Mother died in 2000 and her father died in 2006. Glory lives with her grandmother who is a peasant farmer. She is 10-years-old and in fifth grade. Glory's academic ability is above average, yet she is in poor health and lacks very essential necessities for general sustenance. She needs medical attention, lacks good nutritional food, and lacks parental love. She lives with her grandmother who attempts to pay for Glory's school fees with garden vegetables because of a lack of cash. The school administration has allowed this due to Glory's age, but this will not be sustainable. Highest priority it to obtain a donor to sponsor Glory through school.
LOYCE MUTHONI is 38-years-old and single. She grew up in a family of eight children to a single, poor mother. Loyce is from a very dry, poverty-stricken region of Kenya where nothing can be grown without proper irrigation. She has chronic chest problem's which has contributed negatively towards her physical development. Her illness has never been diagnosed due to lack of funds. She has been doing casual jobs for many years to raise money for her medication. Loyce needs proper medication in order to get permanent relief, any income-generating activity to sustain her, and better housing.
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