Friday, October 29, 2010

There is Still Time!

 We are still collecting donations for ASM-Meru, Kenya so if you have not yet pledged or sent in your donation, you still have time. =)

To everyone who has given, thank you so much.  As of today, we've received a total of $469.00 in actual donations. Praise the Lord!

I have been in touch with ASM-Meru and they are thrilled and excited to receive this much-needed boost to their on-going projects in helping victims of HIV/AIDS and other community outreach efforts. I feel profoundly blessed to be able to be the sender of funds.

Just a reminder for those who have yet to send in their donation, please make checks payable to:

Memo: Meru Project

And mail to:
13153 Hitching Post Rd
DeWitt, MI 48820

You can check earlier posts for a list of suggested pledge categories.

And please continue to check back for updates on the total amount raised and how your funds are benefiting the lives of people in Meru.

Thank you, again, so very much,
Tennille & David

Monday, October 11, 2010

Finish Time!

I am happy to report that David and I both finished under our "goal" time!  David came in at 4:25, and myself at 6:28.

What an experience!  Chicago is one of the largest marathons in the world.  45,000 people registered.  38,000+ finished.  The temperature was sizzling at a very hot 86 degrees +.  Oh did it feel good to round the corner and see the finish line ahead!

Now, we are recovering, with achy bones and muscles.

Thank you all again SO much.  I will continue to keep everyone posted on how much money was raised and what difference your funds have made.  Keep checking back!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Marathon Apparel

A red ribbon is the symbol for the fight against AIDS.  This is for you, Meru, and the victims of HIV/AIDS within your borders.  Thank you again for your pledges!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Almost Time

David and I have been gearing up all week for this Sunday, the Chicago Marathon!  Unfortunately we have hardly done any walking/running because David's knee has been hurting a little and I have been adamantly fighting back a cold.  =s

I'm quite nervous about how it's all gonna go!  Pray for us!

We've been drinking lots of water and eating lots of carbs.  Tomorrow we'll spend the night in Chicago and hopefully be fresh and ready to start the race at 7:30am Central Time.

My next post will be after the race, letting you all know how we did! =)  Thanks, again, so much for all your support in pledges and prayers!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Message from ASM Director

Dear Friends,

Thank you all for your efforts and contributions towards this noble cause.  Your participation in this project will not only be noted here on earth but in the books of heaven.

ASM was founded in 2007 as a pilot programme in Meru district.  Its innovative approach has been successfully tested in Meru Central SDA church, and now is extending its services to other churches around the area. Our main aim is to extend our services to other parts of the country.

Our vision is to see the transforming grace and power of Christ spread through Meru, Kenya, its environs and other districts in Kenya where more vulnerable brothers and sisters are found. We focus especially in overcoming the HIV/AIDS epidemic, defeating the culture of stigmatisation, and poverty eradication, as openers to allow the three angels message to penetrate many souls. ASM provides families with the tender spiritual, financial, and physical support and care they need to live better and longer lives, preventing the transmission of HIV and caring for those infected and their families.

ASM has plans of starting training classes to train youth from poor families in skilled labours, enabling them to start their own business so they can be self-reliant and more productive in the church and community.

To achieve all this, ASM depends on donations.  We thank Pastor and Mrs. David Shin who have contributed much towards two church construction projects and funding many sisters to start small businesses in Meru, Kenya.  Their contribution towards this programme has created a big impact in both Meru Central SDA and Meru West SDA churches and other surrounding churches. This work is done through teams made up almost entirely of volunteers.

We get strength from well-wishers, friends, and small refunds that are received from beneficiaries whose small businesses have already been established. All these small contributions are not enough as the demand for assistance is very great. That’s why we humbly call upon our friends and friends of Jesus to support us by any means so that we may achieve our goals.  THANK you for your kindness and consideration. God bless you abundantly. We are really eager to provide a long-lasting solution to these problems. Who is ready to assist? Please let’s join hands and extend our small and big contributions towards this noble cause.

God bless you and your family.

Tom Samson Owuocha,
ASM Director
Meru Kenya